It would seem that a computer game is not milk or cutlet, cannot deteriorate from time. We all know and love the non -healing classic samples, for which it is not a sin and the “Windows 95 emulator” sometimes configure.
However, in September of this year, a peculiar RPG reached the world gaming community, which is otherwise not to name. Original Czech version Inquisitor I went out in 2009. She had to wait for English localization for three whole years – despite the fairly high ratings of gamers who managed to touch and take communion. And if you take into account that the team of not too famous enthusiasts from Wooden Dragon Before that, I hone the game for ten years – I involuntarily had to ask the question: could the sheepskin at least in theory cost such a “long -playing” dressing?
In the name of the Father and the Son
This question does not leave us and when we, having chosen one of the three available characters, begin to plunge into plot twists. Nothing portends the original “filling”: the planet, as usual, overtook the cataclysms and God’s punishment (hello, diablo) – plague, hunger, fire from heaven. In a word, evil straightened his traditional black wings, and our character is designed to save the universe.
Boarded graves, ghosts rebelled from the coffins and pitch darkness around rare islands of the nearest visibility – this is what 90 percent of the dungeons in the game look like this.
Estimated by a couple of unknown people, the hero goes to the city of Hilbrandt, where the brutal murder of a certain merchant was recently committed. The newly -minted investigator from the Holy Inquisition must find out who killed, why and why. And in the course of the case, identify a couple of heretics, discover that heretics called one of the three fallen angels from the depths of the underworld, go further and get into a mess with an apocalypse.
In general, we see in front of us painfully a familiar blue ball, symbolizing Manu, the usual isometric angle, causing nostalgia for Diablo number one and two, Divine Divinity and another Oldskul. Giving birth, we just evaluate the shamefully classic triad of the classes “Warrior, Magician and Thief”-and do not even suspect what sudden surprise we were prepared in Wooden Dragon. The surprise that appears should only enter the starting city.
And the Holy Spirit
First of all, this whole story unfolds not in the rubber-fantasy world, as one might think initially, but in an alternative-historical universe. That is, faith is quite Christian, the Inquisition is a real Inquisition, with interrogations, persecution of heretics and various torture. True, in this reality, orcs, trolls, undead and harpies somehow get along next to frightened and dark medieval people, but all of them are the essence of the generation of hell, sent to people for their sins.
Heretics here are by no means innocent victims burned by the inquisitors just in case, and the real pests who dream of calling to the world of Satan and do not hesitate to sacrifice young virgins to achieve the desired.
In this regard, our hero hero, whose desperate struggle with heretics sometimes leads to the torture of accidental suspects, does not look like a crazy sadist, but almost the defender of the Syny and the Savior of the wretched.
Developers Inquisitor Either by nature are feminine, or inspired by the “hammer of witches”. Not only is the hero only to be a man, regardless of the class, but the already few Ladies NPC-settlement is regularly subjected to all extermination in various ways. Girls are killed to sacrifice, girls are engaged in witchcraft – and die by the hands of our character. And of course, almost every Black Mass is involved in a high -born woman who wanted to become a Satan’s mistress.
If you have been to the defendant for two hours, although long ago you got all the necessary information from him, we have bad news for you ..
Of all the above, one very important feature of the gameplay follows-an element of a detective investigation, which the plot is strongly connected. Side, at first glance, quests like “find the ring of the city holy fool, taken away by thieves” or “return the village boy to the bosom of the family” are woven into the general outline of events and mandatory for execution, unless, of course, we want to advance through the global script a little further. Because the tramp, which received his jewel back, will suddenly recall important information, and the Board will be a random witness to the real Black Mass.
And now, and the prison ..
Eyewitnesses of eyewitnesses – the piece is incredibly valuable in Inquisitor. On the basis of someone’s denunciation, it is quite possible to roll up the suspect to prison and for a long time, tastefully torture on the rack in order to knock out a couple more fragments of information.
You cannot underestimate the evidence. A piece of fabric found near the bipped grave may well lead us on the trail of an evil heretic. By the way, the list of “special entertainment” here includes not only torture, but also executions. If the Satanist’s fault is proved, it can be burned at the stake, enjoying the very naturalistic screech of the executed and just not the smell of burning flesh. Beauty!
The need to investigate and identify hidden “internal enemies” leads to an extraordinary increase in the share of reading in the gameplay. All NPCs can be asked the same questions, the answers to which will differ depending not only on the plot necessity, but also on the position, kind of occupation, the nature of the person whom we interview. “What do you think about the crisis that befell our kingdom? Do you suspect anyone of heresy?” – in general, a typical set of uncomfortable questions, to which it is important not to give answers convenient for the interrogator. Here are local inhabitants and do not answer clearly. They say vaguely and almost always very verbose. So you will have to work with information and for a long time. Many tasks are carried out at all without going beyond the city.
A sinner in local brutal reality awaits a hole and a bonfire. But if you think that righteous virgins live better – just admire it!
Having left the city walls, we find ourselves in very compact in size locations. And here the true “Diablo Clonity” in all its glory comes into force. We fight with numerous giant spiders, bats, walking corpses, orcs, bandits – the harsh mind inherent in the setting Inquisitor In general, it did not prevent the developers from shamelessly inhabit the local lands with the most replicated monsters.
Of course, in many locations there are dungeons – the same type is enough in appearance, but sometimes curious in the organization. For example, in the shelter of a secret pagan cult under the Coliseum of the door to the most secret part, only by guessing many puzzles. Dumb riddles are voiced, albeit hefty stone physiognomies attached to the walls – a sort of protection system.
And forever and ever
You can kill enemies in three basic ways. Fans of simple solutions with one single click on the enemy’s figure can put their hero in the auto-attack mode with a block on the head or there with a sword. There are no special combat receptions – the traditional “jamming”, albeit slightly automated. Fans of long -range battle can use bows and arrows that fly to the target without any aims there – only by the will of great occasion and software code. Or fly by if our hero does not initially have a too high chance to get the next orc in the eye.
Magic skills have been realized somewhat more interesting. Initially, the game has six witching schools, each of which is somehow connected with faith. “Christian” magic is mainly associated with healing and protection – not counting, however, a special inquisitorial branch, almost completely dedicated to various ways of killing enemies. Demonic witchcraft is frankly harmful, and pagan rituals can solve a wide variety of problems – up to the opening of the locked doors and chests.
However, if the magician, which in Inquisitor He wears the proud title of a priest, try to work only with spells, he will very soon wait for deep disappointment and an ambulance.
You can always look at three things: how sand is sprinkled, how the water flows and how the heretic burns, which we ourselves sent to the fire.
First, the spell is very much in our country. To master some new magic, you need to buy or find the appropriate scroll and “pump” the skills of one of the magic schools to the level where the study of the freshly acquired spell will become available to us. Despite the fact that the paladin and even a thief can use magic, in practice to achieve any significant success in comprehending new ways of witchcraft only a priest. Multi -Classiness here is not at all in honor: each character has a certain ceiling that does not allow the development of non -core characteristics above a certain level.
Secondly, even owning spells of one of the schools in a decent volume, we will constantly miss. Much easier and more effective in using special magic seals are objects that contain a limited number of killer-frame charges. You can get this joy in any store, all classes can also use prints even at the lowest level. Here are just these “magic canned ones” a lot – at least for the novice adventurer, such expenses are very noticeable.
Inquisitor does not hide its orientation on the plot – it creates that the battles and stripping of the dungeons are secondary here. Really tightly knocked out and in some places not even a very predictable scenario would have fascinated even more if it were not for the demonstrative unfriendliness of the interface.
It seems that the developers wanted to convey to us a message like “they wanted Oldskul – get and do not whine”. You can forget about the hints and guns at once. By locations, you have to repeat circles repeatedly, so as not to accidentally miss the entrance to the cave or, worse, the lever, for which you need to pull to open the desired door. “Pixel Hanting” ceases to be familiar only when we seriously pump the “Chuyel” and the backlight appears on the screen around different battleships.
Only genies hidden in magic caskets are ready to give us teleportation to the city (as well as any teleportation). And the ginnings are a scarce product, because the released good genius as a reward can help the character destroy all enemies around or provide access to the store, which is also very relevant in the middle of the dungeon. Equipment breaks constantly, as if our hero is not carrying multi -kilogram armor on himself, but foil. At about the same speed, potions are consumed, which, in addition to themselves, have to regularly drink allied NPCs included in the combat group.
There is no need to talk about the schedule at all. Even taking into account the three -year “delay”, the game looks, to put it mildly, not so hot. Lack of normal support of large -format monitors – even shame and shame. The need to play in a resolution of 1024 at 768 causes bewilderment at best. In the worst, they just can’t stand their eyes.
Citizens are usually very worried about the fact that all sorts of misfortunes and destruction do not affect the houses of those in power. But even it does not occur to them to be curious why churches and cathedrals remain inviolable!
Inquisitor – An example that clearly illustrates the proverb “Road a spoon for dinner”. If the developers coped with the creation of RPG a little faster and a little earlier would be able to find publishers, today, most likely, this project would exist in the rank of decent game classics. However, if we take into account the nostalgia for the “old” adventures, which has recently covered the game community … Perhaps now, now Inquisitor goes to the “big world” just in time?
Pros: voluminous plot;detective intrigue;the ability to torture and burn the suspects;The spirit of “Oldskula”.
Cons: unfriendly interface;Ordinary combat and role systems;modest graphics.